#liek - http://thingsthatreplacednokio.tumblr.com/ - help syrius pick a house



Who let the dogs out?

03:27 <Skyblayde> I fucked up. I tried to be a Dragon amongst Dragons. I get it, i'm not. All I ask now is permission to idle as is the #suidrewt way and only speak when spoken to, and learn from you all in the mean time.
04:51 <Skyblayde> I will ride on my own credibility in the mean time.
04:51 <Skyblayde> and attempt to build/establish myself with good deeds.
Set by: matt



phix: 2774
bubbles: 1194
nokio: 1180
argonator: 657
matt: 251
syrius: 250
sloat: 250
syrius_: 241
bryno: 239
squirmy: 235


phix: 5836
nokio: 1542
argonator: 696

Site Leaving on Sun Mar 10 22:31:30 2002 by Sloat
Welp folks, liek.net is pregnant and is going on a 12 month break. unless we force it to get an abortion! mwahahaahaa!!!!

ok, so i made that up.

lol on Mon Mar 11 10:55:15 2002 by matt

blah on Tue Mar 12 07:42:44 2002 by MKR
Matt, why'd you have to go and screw the site? Now liek.net will never be finished.

Moo on Tue Mar 12 10:50:16 2002 by matt
It wasn't me, talk to vcv.

asdf on Wed Mar 13 23:41:10 2002 by vcv
Well, ash stopped having sex with me :(

ack on Fri Mar 15 21:49:00 2002 by MKR
It has come to my attention that you are all nuts. Thank you, that is all.

hmmm on Mon Mar 25 13:09:02 2002 by Prizym
leave it to mkr to talk about nuts... i think he is cheating on me

prizym on Mon Mar 25 20:29:04 2002 by qaz
is a lesbian dinosaur.

qaz on Thu Apr 4 07:33:41 2002 by Prizym
is my lesbian dinosaur prison bitch

good idea on Thu Apr 4 07:35:10 2002 by Prizym
we should have a betting pole on when liek.net will be done... im guessing Dec 22, 2005

done??? on Thu Apr 4 12:58:53 2002 by esc
You said it's going to be done??? I highly doubt that. Liek.net will never be finished
[Message edited by esc]

sorrow.liek.net on Tue Apr 16 01:23:27 2002 by sorrow
can i get me url back please...sometime, yoyo? so i can put up more of my garbage....yahaha!! everyone loves my stuff!