03:27 <Skyblayde> I fucked up. I tried to be a Dragon amongst Dragons. I get it, i'm not. All I ask now is permission to idle as is the #suidrewt way and only speak when spoken to, and learn from you all in the mean time.
04:51 <Skyblayde> I will ride on my own credibility in the mean time.
04:51 <Skyblayde> and attempt to build/establish myself with good deeds.
Set by: matt
phix: | 2774 |
bubbles: | 1194 |
nokio: | 1180 |
argonator: | 657 |
matt: | 251 |
syrius: | 250 |
sloat: | 250 |
syrius_: | 241 |
bryno: | 239 |
squirmy: | 235 |
phix: | 5836 |
nokio: | 1542 |
argonator: | 696 |
It appears then in ActivePerl builds in the 800 series (Perl 5.8), there DBD-Mysql DBI driver is no loger availible as a PPM. And, according to ActiveState's module list, it isn't planned to be added. Fucking ActiveState...
It appears it isn't ActiveState's problem, i can't build DBD-Mysql on windows either. Bah somone needs to update DBD-Mysql :(
phish is badass.
I was able to compile it now... so fuck activestate.